Dear friends,
Do you feel that sometimes you are being pestered, nagged or criticized? Or perhaps, feel that when you ask for something you don’t like how you sound because you are frustrated that the person isn’t responsive?
Today’s #WisdomWednesday talks about this dance. Whether you identify yourself as a nagger or stonewaller or neither, but can identify feeling criticized or on the other hand ignored, you will find this video very valuable.
It is more common than we think. You’re friends may say that never happens, but we are all human. And there is nothing to be ashamed about.
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I’m curious to know what has worked for you to sound less as a nagger or do less avoiding? Please head on over to our website and share in the comments.
Don’t be shy to share this video. Good chances are you know someone that could use this information and privately thank you for it later. We all have been too hungry, too tired, too frustrated, too stressed, too angry or too isolated to handle problems thrown at us, and it’s so important to be aware and learn what works and what doesn’t.