Gentlemen Prefer Bonds

My hubby found this catchy advertisement at the underground.

When my husband mentioned it to me I blew it off as an advertisement for James Bond girls. Then my husband had to explain it to me. “Gentlemen don’t prefer blonds, they prefer bonds—a real connection.”
Now I could see why he cared to mention it. He thought it would be a great post—and I agree.

Gentlemen prefer bonds. Not blondes, brunettes, or red heads, but true intimate bonds.
It’s temporarily stimulating to have more than one lover, and the variety of lovers, but it’s even more fulfilling to have one special companion/lover. In 2010, men in the U.S. reported having more sexual pleasure with their long-term partner than anyone else.

Of course, not all men, prefer bonds. But maybe they are missing out on something they don’t realize or have had the chance to experience.