3 Simple Ways to Stop Recurring Bad Thoughts

Have you ever played the “what if” game?
Where your mind thinks of all the possible ways something can go bad?

What if I’m not taken seriously?
What if they think I’m stupid?
What if no one talks to me?
What if I say something silly and embarrassing?

It’s pretty pervasive in our society to bump up against self-doubt.

We also play other games that bring in bad thoughts:

  • The Social Comparison Game
  • The False Hope Game
  • The Generalization Game
  • The Hopeless Game


But how can we stop recurring bad thoughts?

I got 3 Super Simple Ways I share today!

Side question: can you guess how many thoughts we have per day (without googling)?

Learn the 3 super simple ways to stop recurring bad thoughts and how many thoughts we have per day here.
[video_embed url=”https://youtu.be/XDKa9T8W8O4″ embed_style=”default”]


Tweet it: Where there is life, there is hope. —Stephen Hawking

After you watch this video, ask yourself, are you that “right” person to talk to? If so, then you’re right the person to share this video and show you have the right information from reliable sources!