When *beep* Hits The Fan: What You Ought to Know About Therapy

Have you ever found yourself seeking help when things are already bad?

I don’t know about you, but I know a couple people, including myself, that have gone through those moments when things wouldn’t be so bad if we had just consulted with a specialist.

Business can go under when they reach a lawyer after a problem arises, instead of consulting one to avoid “preventable problems.”

Would you visit a dentist when your teeth are already rotten? 

Imagine the necessary treatment for rotten teeth. I’m sure it ain’t pretty or easy.

It’s just painful and extra hard work.

We already have to put in effort in our relationships to just maintain them.

What couples don’t realize when they wait for preventable problems to become impossible problems, is that during time of healing and intervention, there is even more work to put in.

Albeit, if the couple successfully survives “treatment”, or even thrives, then they will be phenomenal afterwards.

In all honesty, there is something terribly wrong with therapy.

You’d be surprised to know the facts.

There are options. Good options.

In today’s video I share:

  • the facts that show why there is something wrong with therapy
  • top possible options for couples to prevent or repair


[video_embed url=”https://youtu.be/iNwMV59bGG4″ embed_style=”default”]


Tweet it! Seeking help is not for the weak, it’s for the brave. @lucindaloveland

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